Make sure to have Mobizen up to date!

Mobizen users with an Android device 5.0 or lower can resolve this issue by using Booster mode.


How to solve the error 9100/9200.

1. Restart
A temporary error might occur during the operation.
Close Mobizen completely and restart the device.


2. Booster mode
Non-Samsung device users with Android 5.0 or lower should use Booster mode to fix this issue.



How to enable Booster mode (video)



Error 9100/9200 on Android above 5.0

1. Update Mobizen app to the latest version
Get the latest version of Mobizen that has the error fixed.


2. If the error persists ...
In this case, it might be related to this device in particular. Contact us back with the device's model number and OS version.

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