(Screen Overlay Detected) How to Fix Touch Problem

This pop-up is shown to Android OS 6.0 that have a blue light screen filter installed in their device.



How to Solve this Problem

1. Turning off your Blue Light/ Screen Filter App and restart Mobizen.

  • How to Turn OFF: Check in the drop-down menu> Turn the Filter Status to OFF> Start Mobizen



2. Force Stop or Uninstalling your Blue Light/Screen Filter and restart Mobizen.

  • How to Force Stop/Uninstall: Device Settings >Applications > Force Stop or Uninstall your Blue Light or Screen Filter > Start Mobizen



3. If you have done both of these steps and are still unable to touch your overlay while using Mobizen, reset app preferences.

  • Device Settings > APPS > Press your MENU button and click "Reset App Preferences" > When the pop up appears, select "Reset Apps"


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